PeLib - An open-source C++ library to modify PE files.

What is PeLib?
PeLib is an open source C++ library with the purpose to ease the access and modification of PE (Portable executable) files. This is done through a multitude of classes which represent all important PE header and directory structures and which provide the necessary functions to read, modify and write these structures. As this library is fully ISO C++ compliant it should compile with all popular compilers for the Windows platform. For people who don't use C++ in their projects a dynamic link library is provided which encapsulates all of PeLib's functionality so that projects using programming languages as diverse as Win32 assembler, C# or Delphi can still benefit from PeLib's power

Here is the way to use this library on linux... There is a need for this article because in the documentation it was not specified how to use it. Although using it is very easy but for a beginner like me it was little difficult.

I was not able to use alpha 9 so I have used its alpha 6 version.
now download the tarball and extract it.
go to source folder then rename the file makefile.g++ to Makefile then in terminal rum make.
It will show some error in the terminal note the file names giving error. Then open those files and add #include < string.h> and then again run make this will work.

Now to test the PeLib go to examples folder in tar ball and then go to oon folder

there again rename makefile.g++ to Makefile and run make in terminal .

It will create oon.exe if every thing was correct.


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